A.N.G.E.L. (All Nations Generating Equal Love) FOUNDATION is a 501(A) international tax exempt non-profit charitable foundation structured as a global international Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO).
Membership is open to all nations that meet our criteria and individuals who meet the qualifications of the Episcopal Chivalric Order of H.O.P.E..
Each member state will be represented by it's own representative and have a seat on the A.N.G.E.L. Board of Directors. A.N.G.E.L. has an international scope with outposts managed by country Representatives, Directors, and ANGEL Ambassadors. Together, they will collaborate their efforts around the world to deal with specific issues in various countries.

Permaculture - Greening the World and feeding ourselves...
Give a man a bowl of rice and he eats for a day... give a man the ability and knowledge to farm and he feeds himself, his family and those around him...
One of A.N.G.E.L.’s humanitarian missions is to promote and encourage our member-state partners’ cooperation with the development of Perma-Culture farming. Perma-Culture farming utilizes ecological design and engineering with environmental designs along with strategic water management. This produces high-density crops with minimal input. This type of farming is regenerative and self-maintaining. Read more.

"Irregardless of what religion you practices, Equality, Peace, Love and the desire to have mutual understanding with your neighbor is the foundation that you should build upon... When you open your heart and mind and extend your hand to help someone... nothing, but positive can develop from it." ~
Metropolitan Archbishop Count David J. Gagnon, D.D., Ph.D., FWCI
"You don’t have to be perfect to make a difference in this world. We were all created with amazing gifts and potential just waiting to be unlocked. Each of us has our own unique gifts. Find your strengths and don’t let your shortcomings hold you back from taking action. Celebrate your gifts. Let your strengths guide you and let your true inner self shine." ~ Author unknown
Permaculture as a revolutionary force for change
by Steve | Dec 1, 2012 | Analysis, PCN, Permaculture, Redesigning society, Society, Society models | 0 comments
Permaculture has grown, developed and flourished exponentially since is original stirrings in the 1970s through the work of David Holmgrem and Bill Mollison. Fast forward to 2012 and there are now hundreds of permaculture design course hosted in every corner of the globe, and hundreds of land based permaculture projects with new editions appearing on a weekly basis. As a system of practices and ideas, permaculture is perfectly suited to dealing with and finding solutions for the current appalling ecological and economic mess that capitalism has imposed on us.
Hon. Guenter A. Rieger Ambassador for Canada
A.N.G.E.L. IGO FOUNDATION All Nations Generating Equal Love