It give me a lot of pleasure to write a message on these festivities of our Patron Saints Peter and Paul.
St. Peter and Paul were given the mission to go far and wide to spread the word of God.
They were abused where ever they went, they were stoned, arrested , persecuted and eventually martyred for their Lord Jesus
In our time, we are experiencing the same troubled times as our patrons and other followers of Christ has experienced.
We as knights and Ladies of St. Peter and Paul have a commitment to practice our mission to help the persecuted Christians in the Middle East and Africa, by donating some money to help them in their sufferings.........
God Bless you and the people you touch.
Happy feast of St. Peter and St. Paul
H.E. Chev. Peter Paul Portelli,Grand Master
Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is a charitable organization with the aim to help sick children and the poor.
The aims and objectives of the Order is to recognize the tireless voluntary work that many people do in ther respective community, dedicating many long hours, day after day.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is a charitable organization with the aim to help sick children and the poor.The aims and objectives of the Order is to recognize the tireless voluntary work that many people do in ther respective community, dedicating many long hours, day after day. The Seat of the Confraternity is: 49 Botanic Drive, Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
The aims and objectives of the Order is to recognize
the tireless voluntary work that
many people do in ther respective community,
dedicating many long hours, day after day.
Content taken from the Supreme website of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul
Greetings from the Grand Chapter of Melbourne
Feast of our Patrons St. Peter and St. Paul
Dear Members of the Supreme Council, Grand Prior, Prior,
Confreres and friends of the Confraternity.
History of St.Peter and St.Paul
The Order of the Knights of St. Peter's was made up of 401 men chosen from among the best and most faithful collaborators of the Pope and of the Church.
The Order was given the task of managing the administrative affairs of the Apostolic Camera , and to ensure a body of knights to defend the safety of the person of the Pope and of the same hospitals , used on various sectors of necessity of war.
Pope Clement VII , born Giulio de 'Medici , the successor of Pope Leo X in 1522 , confirming this Order with a further Bull issued in October of 1526 , published at the Chancery of the Pontifical January 3, 1527 .
Rt. Hon. Guenter A. Rieger The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul