Welcome to the Grand Chapter of British Columbia of the Confraternity of the Knights of St.Peter and St.Paul
The aims and objectives of the Order
is to recognize the tireless voluntary work
that many people do in
dedicating many long hours,
day after day.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul,
Grand Chapter of British Columbia , Hon. Guenter Alfred Rieger, Grand Prior
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is a charitable organization with the aim to help sick children and the poor.
The aims and objectives of the Order
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is a charitable organization with the aim to help sick children and the poor.The aims and objectives of the Order
Supreme Council: May 17th - 2015 - Announcement
The Supreme Council of the Confraternity of Knights of St.Peter and St.Paul
Chev. Jack McLaughlin, Chev. Chev. Jack Gareb,
Congratulations and all the best to our new Knights and Dames.
God Bless
Chev. Rt Hon. Guenter Alfred Rieger, Prior

Dear Prior Rt. Hon. Guenter A Rieger ,
I would like to congratulate you on establishing
a chapter of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul
in British Columbia. God bless you.
Yours faithfully inYours in
Christ Jesus the Lord.
H.E. Chev. Peter Paul Portelli,Grand Master